El Restaurant

Un lloc únic al mig de Riells!

Un lloc de trobada amb estil!

Gaudeix de l’atmosfera relaxant del nostre restaurant. Cuina tailandesa exquisida, ambient agradable i un personal atent i professional faràn les delícies dels teus àpats.

Què diuen els nostres clients

Atenció al detall i bon ambient

“… I love this restaurant. Quite my type of food and awesome service. Quality is fantastic, prices are reasonable and staff very friendly. Recommended!”


“…I just love being and having dinner there for all the reasons you imagine! Awesome restaurant! Great customer service and quality!…”


Weddings & Events

Celebrate your special day in beautiful atmosphere of our restaurant. Exquisite & creative cousine, friendly atmosphere and highly professional staff will make your special day beautiful & enjoyable.